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Çokyaşar Tel

Çokyaşar Tel

Çokyaşar Tel ve Galvanizleme A.Ş. was established in Adana in 2001 to produce wire and wire products. It is one of the leading companies in the industrial sector, producing at world standards, using the latest technology with modern and new machines, offering high quality products. With its wide range of products, it serves the construction, environmental security systems, agriculture, animal husbandry, textile and automotive sectors.

Özyaşar Tel

Özyaşar Tel

Özyaşar Tel ve Galvanizleme Sanayi A.Ş., 1973 yılında kurulmuştur. Sıcak daldırma galvanizli tel başta olmak üzere, tel ve tel ürünleri alanında katma değerli ürünler üretmektedir. Merkezi İstanbul’da bulunan Özyaşar Tel’in Silivri Değirmenköy’deki üretim tesisi yaklaşık 400 çalışanı ve 5 modern ileri teknoloji tel galvanizleme tesisiyle yıllık 120 bin tondan fazla tel ve 12 bin ton panel üretim kapasitesine sahiptir.

Cokyasar Wire Industries

Cokyasar Wire Industries

Cokyasar Wire Industries, which entered the field of wire and wire products production in Albania in 2020, has quickly become one of the leading companies in the region with the Group's experience, quality products and good service. With its modern plant and machinery park in the production of galvanized wire and Galfan-ZnAl coated wire, it offers its customers products of high standards. Thanks to its strategic location, CWI is able to deliver fast and has adopted customer satisfaction as the most important principle.

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