Occupational Health and Safety

We are aware that the risk of occupational accidents in the iron and steel sector is very high.
We attach great importance to OHS training and offer OHS training to all our employees, both theoretically and practically, beyond the limits set by the legal legislation.
We organize these trainings as orientation training and on-the-job training for those who are new to the job and those who work as subcontractors, and we repeat OHS trainings periodically in the work calendar. Awareness trainings are also held every Monday.
In order to be prepared for emergencies such as fire and natural disasters, we carry out our emergency drills in every work calendar with the participation of experts from outside the company.
Guidance Documents

As Çokyaşar Halat, we prepare OHS handbooks, instructions and supporting documents, taking into account all the risks our employees may face at work, and present these documents to our employees through trainings. These documents help our employees raise awareness about occupational health and safety, recognize risks and take precautions, and show them how to act in emergencies. Trainings supported by documents help our employees gain the behavioral awareness that will protect both themselves and their colleagues.
Process Safety

Risk assessments carried out in our factories are planned and implemented on a process basis in accordance with ISO 45001 standards.
High-risk areas are indicated on the process diagram and marked throughout the factory so that all our personnel can see them.
Performance Monitoring

Çokyaşar Halat, by adopting ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety standards, has established an effective control system to prevent occupational accidents and occupational diseases with a PROACTIVE approach (taking precautions before incidents occur).
In line with the ZERO ACCIDENT WORKPLACE GOAL, we aim to prevent possible occupational accidents by monitoring and combining OHS data of all factories.