How can I help you?
Today's Challenges are Tomorrow's Opportunities.

Today's Challenges are Tomorrow's Opportunities.

Our world faces new challenges every day.

Global problems such as climate change, energy scarcity, population growth and health crises force us to be prepared. This preparation aims to stop the negative trend and realize a sustainable development.

Thanks to innovation, which plays an indispensable role in this process, we can use production inputs more efficiently, create new resources, increase our competitiveness and, most importantly, make social, environmental and economic contributions.

By investing in technology, research, development and innovation, we are preparing ourselves for the future.

Ar-Ge Laboratory: A Key Tool for Shaping the Future.

Ar-Ge Laboratory: A Key Tool for Shaping the Future.

Our mission is to develop innovative, sustainable, environmentally friendly and market-oriented products, catalysts and technologies to meet the needs and expectations of all stakeholders in our value chain.

The focus areas of our Ar-Ge activities are sustainability, energy transition, circular economy, process optimization, development of new products and application areas, and digital transformation.

We support university-industry cooperation with our open innovation model and keep our partnership energy high.

Efficiency Through Digital Transformation

Efficiency Through Digital Transformation

As one of our strategic priorities, digitalization offers us great opportunities to increase our energy efficiency and improve our business processes.

In order to take advantage of these opportunities, we consider and implement our practices in every field, from idea to project, from corporate process to organizational harmony, in light of the digital transformation strategy.

Our MES project eases operational burdens in our production facilities, and our digital ecosystem development efforts make our production processes more efficient and effective with advanced analytical modeling developments.

We Transform Processes with Information Technologies

We Transform Processes with Information Technologies

In our digital transformation journey, we use information technologies effectively to improve the way we do business and increase our competitiveness.

We prefer the latest, most efficient digital applications in all our business processes, from data management and storage to infrastructure and operations, from procurement and supply chain to the management of field activities, from financial operations to customer relations.

With our SAFIR project, we are strengthening our integrated working model, gathering our operations in a single system and creating the necessary infrastructure to operate common processes.

We are implementing SAP and SAP S4/HANA projects to increase the efficiency of our integrated processes. We have initiated our efforts to ensure that our processes, especially management reporting, can be monitored end-to-end and displayed on a single report.

With our sustainable investments, innovative technologies and digital transformation, we are taking strong steps towards our goal of realizing our data-driven company vision and becoming one of Turkey's leading wire production bases.

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